INS app Altitude


Is it possible to use barometric Altitude instead of gps Altitude as input to your INS algorithm? May I send Altitude in meters to openIMU300za from a pressure sensor to improve accuracy of position estimation of your INS algorithm?

Best regards,

You can. However, you may need change a lot of things. First, you need to create your own interface from OpenIMU300ZA to your sensor. Second, you need to change the algorithm to update the error model of your sensor. Third, you need to take care of the data sampling rate.

Dear Dong,

thanks for your reply, I need more guidance to be able to change your source code, at least please tell me how can I send altitude to the module as commands and what is the maximum possible receive rate by the module and what is the frequency ( sampling rate ) of altitude input in your algorithm? and the GPS update rate?

Best regards,

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