Experience unmatched comfort at Krishna Farm, the Best Farmhouse in Pushkar, where luxury meets nature. Featuring 7 exquisitely designed luxury rooms in this farmhouse, each of which offers a unique blend of traditional Rajasthani charm and modern amenities, Krishna Farm is the perfect retreat for relaxation. Complemented by a private pool with a serene ambiance, it makes it the ultimate destination for a rejuvenating stay.Whether you are looking for the Best farm stay in Pushkar or an exclusive resort in Pushkar, Krishna Farm offers a perfect setting for family vacations, romantic getaways or intimate gatherings. Embrace the grandeur of this luxury farmhouse in Pushkar, surrounded by lush greenery and equipped with all the amenities for an unforgettable experience. Farmhouse in pushkar, party farmhouse in pushkar, best farmhouse in pushkar
Address - khasra no 72,73,74 bhagwanpura, pushkar, Rajasthan 305005
Mobile – 9571210633