Posts made by Swingw
I now want to use openrtk330Li to output IMU raw data binary format files. In IMU examples (OPENRTK330Li / RAWDATA) provided by vscode-Aceinna's OpenIMU Platforms, what code should I modify to achieve my needs?
My question: The openrtk330Li development board cannot burn the GNSS_RTK_SDK firmware. Even the tutorial you provide will find that the burning fails. Solution: Use the firmware burning software provided by the staff (the GNSS_RTK_SDK firmware is integrated, there is a need to contact the staff in Wuxi, China), and the j-link must be unplugged during the burning, and the operation will be successful
Hi,I encountered a problem:Openrtk330 cannot display data on OpenRTK Monitor,Details:https://github.com/Aceinna/python-openimu/issues/39
@dw-gnss-aceinna yes, even if an error is reported when importing a project, a corresponding file is still generated, but I still get an error when I want to build the firmware.
Hi, I have a problem: Acceinna extension of vscode, cannot import the project when custom imu example, the error message is as follows: https://github.com/platformio/platformio-home/issues/614.How can i solve this problem?
Hello, I currently have a zed-f9p development board. I want to develop a gnss-ins fusion navigation system. Can I buy the open imu 300 development board? To meet my requirements