a8a41db1-accc-4c56-ab2e-82d9ab314c2f-OpenIMU300RI to be released_cek_20210220-MAGALING_3.1.8_add swap+unitbhr.dbc
4 msg are normal data msg which are auto-transmitted, other msg are used for set/get commands msg, such as: set orientation msg, set output rate of CAN, or GPS related msg for INS app and other algorithm app.
pls use Hex format to show data, will be better to understanding.
pls load the DBC i attached, then the msg should be decoded automatically by Kvaser_canking.
Posts made by cek
INS401 EVK Manual_V1.0.pdf
INS401-Firmware Upgrade instructions_V1.4.pdf
5020-4013-01_28.05 FRMW, RTK_INS_STA9100 V5.10.18, INS401.bin
boot program of GNSS chip_v1.0.json[ins402_mosaic_20230327.dbc]
INS402 Quick Application Guide(test draft)_v2.0.pdf
INS401-Firmware Upgrade instructions_V1.5.pdf
for OpenIMU330BI, it is a chip product, pin-out pls refer to Pinout chapter:
In 330BI evk, what we used is a small OpenIMU330BI-evb(similar with 300ZI) not 330BI-chip, sorry for not clear text in EVK chapter, the small evb is used to do quickly evaluation of performance and function in customer side(because 330bi chip is difficult to evaluate it without welding to PCB).
so, 330BI is one chip product.
330bi-evb is another module which have 20 pins, 330BI-evk include: big PCB developing board, 330bi-evb, ST-LINK debugger and micro-usb, and so on.
BOOT0: support build in bootloader. https://openimu.readthedocs.io/en/latest/330BI/evb_330BI_FW_update.html#using-built-in-mcu-bootloader
IO2 and IO3 is used to show internal IMU data preparing status.
hope helpful for you, could you tell us why you need the info and what is your target now? then we can supply support correspondingly.
"It shows the 330RI pinout instead of 330BI.", i think you want to say OpenIMU300ZI instead of 330BI in below link:
yes, here need to be upgraded(borrow 300ZI wrong pic).
J6 PB5 DR O Data ready signal
pls refer to SPI chapter: https://openimu.readthedocs.io/en/latest/software/SPImessaging.html#openimu-spi-messaging-framework
OpenIMU supports a SPI interface for data communications as a one of the choices. To enforce SPI interface mode ‘Data Ready’ signal needs to be forced HIGH of left unconnected on system startup. OpenIMU SPI interface signals described here.
OpenIMU operates as a slave device.
pls try INS401, with RTK signal, the fusion result of GPS&IMU will touch cm level
without GPS, précised location real time is not available only by IMU.
the acceleration and angular rate will be detected when algorithm initialization, the initialization will be blocked if moving is detected.
could you describe your application more detailed info? and what is your request?