OpenIMU300ZI Data output rate unclear

I am thinking about implementing an OpenIMU300ZI into my project.
The problem is the following:
I need at least 200 hz data output rate and connect the device via UART.

According to the datasheet: OpenIMU300ZI Datasheet.pdf?_t=1606313626280
the OpenIMU300ZI is capable of providing 200 hz data output rate via UART.

According to the docs on the other hand:
the maximum rate is 100 hz.

Which value is the correct value?


Hi, I used 200Hz before and OpenIMU300ZI worked properly at that time.
Please note that if the length of packet is a bit long, you also need to adjust baud rate to 230400 or higher.

Thank you for the fast reply and the useful tip!

Time to get to work!

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