Do not understand how to interpret IMU output (HEX) to (DEC).

We are working with an OPENIMU300RI and trying to get the same values we see in NAVVIEW (acceleration/rate of gyro/temperature) using the HEX output directly from the sensor. For example:

We get this following characters:

5555 5331 18 fff2fffcf33400030003fffb280828082808280ed1eb0300 6a55

NavView hex value: ffff2
Navview output: -1.0254g
Decimal value we get after conversion: -2378

We are not sure how to convert from HEX to the values we see in NAVVIEW. After been playing with the IMU sensor we have identified acelerations + rate f gyro + temperature outputs, but we fail when try to get the proper values.

We are doing something wrong for sure. We are using the OpenIMU Documentation dated on Sep 27, 2019.

Thanks in advance!!!!


Hi David, as for the OpenIMU300RI, the CAN interface is the first choose for customer, if you want to just use the UART interface , the OpenIMU300ZI unit is a better choose than OpenIMU300RI. What kind of application that you want to intergate with IMU?

We are planning to install the OPENIMU300RI within a nacelle of a Wind Turbine. We want to measure the accelerations + rate of gyros when the WTG is under power production. For this purpose we want to connect the IMU to a DAS (Data adquisition System) that reads the HEX output data directly. When we want to translate it to DECIMAL we can not get the correct values that we see in NAVVIEW.

Hi David, the usage from your side to measure the acc/gyro via uart interface, IMU381/OpenIMU300ZI/OpenIMU330BI could be better choices.

As for the S1 package, you could refer the page below:

Please also notice that Big Endian (Most Significant Byte First) is used.

Thanks for the fast response. Issue solved.



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