Please, Send me Binaries for my EVKs.


After downloading firmware from visual studio code, I can't connect to ACEINNA developer site(connected to the webserver, but 'disconnected' showed on 'open imu monitor page').
Unfortunately, I didn't back up EEPROM DATA.
I have OpenIMU300ZI EVK and OpenIMU330BI EVK, and the original EEPROM data Erased on both boards.
Please, send me the original binaries.
Here is my board's serial.
300ZI SN: 1908400073
330BI SN: 2074000340
(my 330Zi has no SN tag on the Board; the one above(1908400073 ) is from the 'connected devices in history' page(".)

Best Regards.

Hi James,
we can provide the original binaries but unfortunately will have to wait until the manufacturing team is back from new year holidays in China.
If just the application needs to overwritten you can try the procedure shown in the attached application note.
Recovering an OpenIMU Application Note Rev0.pdf

Thank you for your response.
I've tried the application update but, it doesn't work.

  • connected to the webserver, but can't connect to ACEINNA developer site.


When can I receive the original binaries.
I'm in a rush.

Thank you.

Please check your email to ensure you have received the binaries.
Best regards,

I received the binaries.
Thank you for your efforts.

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