Cannot connect to OpenIMU330BI EVK

20 Nov 2019, 17:44


I changed USB ports twice, restarting the operating system each time. The ST-Link is directly connected to the USB hub without a USB hub, which it has been all along. Using the Target > Option Bytes utility in ST-Link v4.5.0, I set Pages 58-63 to have Write Protection as shown in Li YiFan's link above. The screen shot from the ST-LINK > Printf via SWO viewer utility in St-Link is shown below. It does to indicate the baud rate. How else can I check the baud rate and observe the hex displaying mode?


21 Nov 2019, 01:15
  1. about where to check the hex mode data? pls download one serial communication tool, which is not in ST-LINK and it is another separate SW tool in windows, such as: HTerm or SSCOM or serial assistant and so on.. you can get serial data by it. and show pic to us of your data.

  2. how about the status of 6 Pages(58-63) at first when you first time got and use it? is Write Protected or not?

if at first the 6 pages not protected in above question, pls finished the uploading from Li YiFan's link above.

  1. you mentioned " I also updated the firmware on the OpenIMU330BI to OpenIMUBI_1.1.1 using the STM32 St-Link Utility", pls give me youre SN number? mine SN is: 1927300538.
21 Nov 2019, 02:07

@Li-YiFan said in Cannot connect to OpenIMU330BI EVK:

if you follow the link and get

Hi Li,

I followed the link you provided:

The webpage at the link provided above shows a set of screenshots for the ST-LINK program. I was not able to find the data package 55 55 7A 31 XX XX anywhere in that webpage. Can you verify that you sent me the correct link?

21 Nov 2019, 02:16

@say the meaning fo Li is that: you flashed/upload the IMU-FW by the link he supplied, and then it will worked well.
after working well you can get the serial data by serial tool and receive the data like: 55 55 7A 31.

so pls refer to my comments above? and we can go on the discussion..

for serial tool get data and check FW version, pls refer to summary topic link of open-imu family:

21 Nov 2019, 02:16

Hi say,
I mean if you could get the 55 55 7A 31 from uart interface, after OpenIMU330BI updated the openimu330BI firmware. or you could save your OpenIMU330BI image bin file and send to us to check.

21 Nov 2019, 02:50


Hi cek,

Here's a screenshot of the data from HTerm on COM14:


The last 6 Pages (58-63) are write protected when I first open the Target > Settings > Option Bytes window.

My Serial Number from the label on the OpenIMU330BI EVK is:

21 Nov 2019, 03:10


Hi cek,

Here's another screenshot of the HTerm data with the data type set to Hex and the data scrolled back to the beginning. The first few bytes do indeed read 55 55 7A 31 as you can see.


21 Nov 2019, 05:32

your version of FW is 1.1.1, but calibrated area is broken, may be from your first flasing 1.1.1 you mentioned.

21 Nov 2019, 05:46

@say pls download the whole EEPROM bin file which include bootloader, fw and calibrated data, prepared for you. 1927300441_330BI EVK_whole EEPROM.bin

then pls follow below topic_5 steps to upload the bin to your IMU330:

reset the power, you should connect the ANS web.

21 Nov 2019, 17:22


Hi cek,

I installed the EEPROM bin file which you sent to me exactly according to the instructions under section 5 of the link above, starting at location 0x08000000, with a size of 0x30000. I set the 6 Option Bytes afterward and restarted the IMU board. I could not get the IMU to connect. I repeated the procedure again. I still cannot connect to the IMU with the OpenIMU Monitor. What should I do?

22 Nov 2019, 00:43
  1. check the serial data, what is sending from IMU now? your pic
22 Nov 2019, 01:11

I cannot get any data from the IMU over HTerm.

After establishing communication with the ST_LINK Utility, I tried to connect to each of the 5 COM ports using HTerm while the ST-LINK/V2 debugger LED is flashing alternately green and red. I could not get any data from the IMU over HTerm.

I also disconnected the IMU with the ST-LINK Utility and then again tried to connect to each of the 5 COM ports using HTerm while the ST-LINK/V2 debugger LED is constant red. I could not get any data from the IMU over HTerm.

22 Nov 2019, 03:30
  1. unlock the sectors
  2. upload bin file
  3. lock the sectors
  4. restart the IMU
    if right steps, it will working on well IMU HW.
    pls show pics of above steps, let's try again.
22 Nov 2019, 07:29


Hi cek,

I performed the steps above exactly as listed. Here is a screenshot of the ST-LINK Utility after successfully uploading the bin file, locking the sectors, and restarting the IMU:

I immediately saw good data over HTerm on COM14:

However, I still cannot connect to the OpenIMU Monitor at

What next steps should I take?

22 Nov 2019, 08:58

@say Hi Say,Now you have flashed the right image, the unit output the z1 package via uart interface. please use chrome browser, download the "IMU Server Ready-to-Use (Windows)" and try again. 2019-11-22_16h55_31.jpg 2019-11-22_16h53_10.jpg

22 Nov 2019, 18:11


Hi Li-YiFan,

I downloaded the IMU Server Ready-To-Use (Windows) using the Chrome browser and installed it as shown above. I still cannot connect to the IMU using ANS. After opening ANS, when I run Server_win32_1.1.1, a DOS console window opens briefly as shown here:


It gives the message as shown: "Cannot configure port, something went wrong. Original message: .."

How should I correct this problem?

23 Nov 2019, 01:04

First, pls save(backup) whole EEPROM bin file, and send to us. we need to check deeply.
follow the steps in topic_5, address 0x08000000, size 0x30000.

Second, pls use the testing server.exe try again, if still not, pls send to us the Server_log file which in same file with server.exe
thanks a lot.

23 Nov 2019, 01:43

@say Hi say, if the IMU Server Ready-To-Use (Windows) could connected with the OpenIMU330BI successfully, there will be the log 2019-11-23_09h29_02.jpg . The log picture you upload is Blurred, please send us a new one. BTW, could you send us a photo how you connected OpenIMU330BI with your computer. And if you could change a PC or USB port and test again?

23 Nov 2019, 04:41


Hello cek,

I downloaded the EEPROM bin file and ran the server file you sent me with the log. I cannot attach them here. How do I send these files to you?

23 Nov 2019, 04:48


Hi Li-YiFan,

Here is a screenshot of the Visual Studio Code terminal window after running It has the same output as Server_win32_1.1.1. The DOS command window disappears very quickly after running Server_win32_1.1.1, so the picture is blurry.


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