OpenIMU300RI - Settings Permanently


I want to capture Heading via J1939.
I'm using the VG_AHRS_J1939 1.0.1 firmware and use the setting a2 Packet Type. When I use the button 'store permanently' the a2 Packet Type setting is not stored after a power cycle, setting goes back to a1.

How can we save the a2 setting permanently?
Which J1939 PGN is used for heading data?



Pls update the FW to public 1.0.3_a2 version, it is a2 packet by default in RS232 communication:
for CAN communication, now it cannot output heading in official version.
but you can update codes by your self in UserConfiguration.c and UserMessagingCAN.c.
pls refer to topic and our on-line manual

Is somebody experienced OpenIMU300RI to AHRS application?

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