Do you directly download the firmware bin or source code? If the source code, you can change the GPS protocal in UserConfiguration.c. The following picture shows the one I am using for development.
const UserConfigurationStruct gDefaultUserConfig = {
.dataCRC = 0,
.dataSize = sizeof(UserConfigurationStruct),
.userUartBaudRate = 230400,
.userPacketType = "e2",
.userPacketRate = 100,
.lpfAccelFilterFreq = 25,
.lpfRateFilterFreq = 25,
.orientation = "-Y+X+Z", // the EVB connector pointing forward
.gpsBaudRate = 115200,
.gpsProtocol = UBLOX_BINARY,
// add default parameter values here, if desired
.hardIron_X = 0.0,
.hardIron_Y = 0.0,
.softIron_Ratio = 1.0,
.softIron_Angle = 0.0
If the bin file, I need to ask for firmware engineers' help to see if there is commands to change the settings online.