Where is openrtk_data_parse?

When Internet is not available during data logging, can past RTK Base RTCM data (rtcm_base_xxxx.bin) be downloaded from somewhere?

@zhihengcao said in Where is openrtk_data_parse?:

When Internet is not available during data logging, can past RTK Base RTCM data (rtcm_base_xxxx.bin) be downloaded from somewhere?

no, unless you're receiving RTCM data from base station via radio other than internet, the logging tool just log what the module receives from the base station

I am reading https://www.eye4software.com/hydromagic/documentation/articles-and-howtos/ppk-surveys/ Can you support this flow to allow OpenRTK to be used this way?

@zhihengcao said in Where is openrtk_data_parse?:

I am reading https://www.eye4software.com/hydromagic/documentation/articles-and-howtos/ppk-surveys/ Can you support this flow to allow OpenRTK to be used this way?

yes, that's what OpenRTK330LI designed for, we open-sourced peripheral FW for user to customize, please refer to Aceinna(PlatformIO) extension on VSCode, and import project from there

Thank you, I have been reading this example and it helps me understand the system a lot.
The RPK/INS correction is your proprietary and done inside a closed source library (.a file). This is totally fine, but the example firmware only demonstrates correction in real time assuming Base RTCM data stream from UART or BT or HTTP.

I am looking to implement Post Processing, the firmware stores the IMU and GNSS raw data into on-board memory, then receive archived Base RTCM data stored in the past, to run your proprietary library. Can you tell me if this is something that can be achieved with your proprietary library without limitations? Does your proprietary library have some restrictions, like it has to be run based on realtime/live data? Does it have restrictions it has to be run in combination with some hardware & firmware? In other words, do you limit your proprietary library to run only on the OpenRTK module, or can it be ported run on any ARM processor?

Hi, I can't open your link. What could be the problem?

Thank you!

Hi, Can you explain how did u deal with this problem "openrtk_data_parse" ? Iam having same problem as you described and i still didnt get it.

Hi every one. I have the same problem here. Can you please tell me how can I parse the raw data? I can't find any subfolder named openrtk_data_parse.
I just need the to parse the received data.

@zhihengcao so what was your full command there?

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