Thanks for the fast response. Issue solved.
Thanks for the fast response. Issue solved.
We are planning to install the OPENIMU300RI within a nacelle of a Wind Turbine. We want to measure the accelerations + rate of gyros when the WTG is under power production. For this purpose we want to connect the IMU to a DAS (Data adquisition System) that reads the HEX output data directly. When we want to translate it to DECIMAL we can not get the correct values that we see in NAVVIEW.
We are working with an OPENIMU300RI and trying to get the same values we see in NAVVIEW (acceleration/rate of gyro/temperature) using the HEX output directly from the sensor. For example:
We get this following characters:
5555 5331 18 fff2fffcf33400030003fffb280828082808280ed1eb0300 6a55
NavView hex value: ffff2
Navview output: -1.0254g
Decimal value we get after conversion: -2378
We are not sure how to convert from HEX to the values we see in NAVVIEW. After been playing with the IMU sensor we have identified acelerations + rate f gyro + temperature outputs, but we fail when try to get the proper values.
We are doing something wrong for sure. We are using the OpenIMU Documentation dated on Sep 27, 2019.
Thanks in advance!!!!
Found the problem. The RS-232 to USB conversor wire was broken or did not work properly.
I have used a computer with a standard RS-232 port and the software works properly.
Thanks to all for your support.
This is being a nightmare, I have checked for continuity between 6pin conector and DB9 pins and was OK.
Please see the next picture: I have build and then upload a project (imported example). Its OK. isnt it?
After that I disconnect all wires (except external DC) and connect the 6 pin -rs232 to my rs232 to usb cable. I connect, the device is properly recognized (the computer beeps). And again the same problem. Neither NAV-VIEW nor pyton detects the IMU sensor.
I am getting crazy with this sensor.
Thanks for the response. I am busy with other tasks and haven´t time to continue with the IMU unit.
I will check if there the wire connections are correct, by checking with a digital multimeter the RS-232 pins and the 6-pin connector. I will check for electrical continuity.
When I connect the device to my computer, in the devide management I always see that something is connected. Furthermore when I connect the IMU, the pyton.exe looks properly in the COM ports where the IMU is connected.
Thanks. I´ll let you know.
Thanks for the quick response. Unfortunately I have tried to connect using NAV_VIEW in automatic mode and in manual mode. No response at all.
I have to units, an EVK and a standard 300RI (without the evaluation Kit). Today I have tried to connect the standard 300RI unit with the same results. No connection.
I think my problem is more related with software? But i have tried in two different computers and in both cases the pyton executable (pyton server.exe) was not able to connect to any of the two units. In WIN7 64-bit I receive a message from the app but in W10 the app says that is trying to connect to the specific port but never connects. No error messages.
Maybe there is a problem with the wire provided ? The 6 pin one that connects to the RS-232/CAN. As i have been able to connect via JT2 and upload software to the unit successfully. Seems that the problem could be between the unit and the computer.
Are there any tests that I can do using a Digital Multimeter to ensure that the 6pin connector/RS-232 is working properly?
I have swapped blue and white wires.
Still does not work, same error using pyton driver. NAV_VIEW also is not able to detect the IMU,
Thanks for the soon reply.
Connection wires were provided by Aceinna, I have open the RS232 one and seems to be properly connected:
recently I have acquired an OPENIMU300RI. I am evaluating the possibility to measure the pitch/yaw/roll angles of the nacelle of a Wind Turbine.
I have connected it to an external power supply (13V, 0.5A). I have imported examples from ACEINNA extension (Visual Studio code) and uploaded to the sensor with no errors. Everything seems to work properly.
I have connected the RS-232 output port to a db9 RS-232 (male)-USB cable and it has been impossible to detect the IMU unit. I have used the .exe pyton server (Server_Win32 1.0.5.exe). Ths RS-232 to USB cable includes a driver and the computer detects properly the COM port.
I have tried in different computers (one with Windows 7 and another one with Windows 10). And was impossible to connect.
WIN 7:
This is the error message:
meanwhile in WIN10 the software does not give an error (but the app gets frozen testing port COM1).
I have tried changing the baud rates etc and always I see the same error. Also I have tried to change the USB port, update drivers etc.
The DB9 to USB wire I use is (
Thanks in advance.