We have some restriction from the IT department, so we are not able to run the executable file properly which is the first way to run the openIMU server. In the second option, we have downloaded the git file and follow the instruction which is given the the site "https://developers.aceinna.com/devices/connect". But while executing the server.py we were getting the error of importing python packages. So we have to download the python packages one by one manually as we have not the permission to download the pip packages automatically using pip install package name. After installing all the packages manually and executing "python server.py", the command prompt is showing:
Port number for the openIMU is COM6.
When we are opening "https://developers.aceinna.com/devices/record-next", it is showing: .
We have done all the steps which is written, but still not getting output.
Kindly help me with this.
Cannot connect OpenIMU300ZA(Please make sure OpenIMU is connected)
change the connection.json to right COM and baudrate(115200 default, if not changed by customer) on your PC and try again.
if still not, pls check and send to us the serial data from OpenIMU300 by HTerm(serial tool), or change another USB port or change another PC.
pls check and send to us the serial data from OpenIMU300 by HTerm(serial tool), or change another USB port or change another PC.
"8. how to check the serial data by serial tool?" in topic
put the JSON file in your app_config folder, and run the server.exe again.
if still not, pls try this testing program: