I have a OpenIMY300ZI and have uploaded the IMU then AHRS and then INS applications to the unit (on the Evaluation Kit) and can review IMU data via the ANS, Can anyone tell me what settings we need to change to divert this output so that we can read Ascii data on a raspberry pi, windows or Mac.
Currently when we read the 1st com port we get what looks like binary and on the 3rd serial port we get nothing
Connecting to a RaspberryPi and saving output data
pls use 1st port which is used for result data output, also you mentioned binary data from it.
pls check topic_8, 8. how to check the serial data by serial tool? pls receive data in HEX format or ascii format of each bytes.
if you want to make your own scripts to receive serial data, pls refer to our repo python-driver:
Thanks for your feedback
I am still getting NON ASCII data on the first port when I use coolterm. I am using an apple mac so any terminal program should have a mac version. Until I have a better understanding of your system I do not want to make any changes to your code. I am happy to change parameters. Can you please provide step by step instruction to get ASCII output to a port and to view that output.
The manual shows that it is possible but so far I can not get anything other than the junk unreadable output.
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Question How do I get python to appear in the Terminal drop down window. Do I need to be working on a .py program?
I should have said that I can view data via the Aceinna Navigation Studio however at the moment is is of less interest.
I want to be able to load up one of your working application. Tie down or place the IMU. Switch on and record the output to a raspberry pi. We already have code for the pi to read and save the incoming ascii data.
@cek said in Connecting to a RaspberryPi and saving output data:
pls use 1st port which is used for result data output, also you mentioned binary data from it.
pls check topic_8, 8. how to check the serial data by serial tool? pls receive data in HEX format or ascii format of each bytes.
if you want to make your own scripts to receive serial data, pls refer to our repo python-driver:
I want to reproduce this and record it in a csv file on a pi

For pi can read incoming ascii data we have now, I think we have to refer to openimu.py how to decode serial data based on current status. pls refer the function read()/openimu_get_packet()/parse_buffer(), all codes may help.
For protocol, you can refer to below links corresponding 'e2', 'z1' packets.
For coolterm, it is one UART assist tool, which can receive serial data directly which like HTerm used in my side, directly used it is ok. we should better have to confirm below points are right selected in the tool:
port is right;
baud rate is right;
show in HEX format or not HEX format based on your request;
wait your feedback.