Thank you, I will try this next. I look forward to testing !
Posts made by Kai Justice
Is there an example of a WebSocket or client that would not rely on the
I will not have access to the aceinna website in my project.
Does samples/ no longer work?
Here is a link, the image did not seem to post:
Is there a python sample for getting the heading from the imu, I would like to put into custom program not using the aceinna developers site.
Hello, I am using Ubuntu 18.04
I am able to run the python webserver and connect to the Aceinna developers site: The OpenIMU outputs data and graphs beautifully!
I am wanting to run the script on Ubuntu.
I cloned the github repository locally. When I run the, the log file ends up empty.
Is there a method to logging non-empty files?
Thank you
Thank you for your help. I took me awhile to figure out how to configure UCENTER how to output nav-pvt messages.
The links you provided I have read before, they are well put together and easy to understand. Ucenter is a little more confusing if you have never used it before. I am now getting NAVPVT data to the OpenIMU monitor. Thank you!
For wiring, I have 3.3 reference voltage, common ground, rx, tx.
Hello, I have asked quite a few questions in the last couple days. Thank you in advanced for your direction
I have a ZED-F9P ardusimple Board. I have configured it to output only NMEA data. I have tried 115200 and 230400 Baudrate. The OpenIMU documentation says that 115200 is the default baud rate, but the monitor showed that it was at 230400 baudrate.
I am able to pull data into the rasberry pi and prove out that I am getting data from the ZED-F9P.
I am worried that it is the wrong data format than OPENIMU is expecting. Does OPENIMU expect NMEA as the data format or other?
- Screen of the Ublox settings.
- Screen Shot of OPENIMU Monitor
- Screen Shot of Rasberry Pi.
![pi screenshot.png]
On the OPENIMU300XX Eval Kit, are the serial interface 3.3v or 5v?
I am connecting GNSS and need to ensure I have the correct reference voltage for the GNNS device communication.
Is there a 3.3v or 5v output reference on the OPEN IMU?
I looked at the documentation and reviewed schematics, maybe I missed something?:
Thank you!
Li YiFan,
Thank you so much! This did the trick, and I learned a lot along the way, appreciate your direction.
Here is the sscom at 115200
I did try again at each baud rate. I do not get the 55 55 7A 31 as the topics described.
I also tried Hterm again with better luck.
I was told no one prior to me had worked with this module, but I suspect a prior colleague had tried without others' knowledge.
LiYiFan, Thank you so much for your reply.
- I have downloaded OpenIMU-windows-1.1.1. The app_config folder populates, but the "connection.json" files do not create. I just now tried downloading from "6.Share the Jsons corresponding Server_1.1.1.exe." I copied and pasted that in the OpenIMU-windows-1.1.1 folder and reran the .exe. Still no connection to:
- I have not programmed, I did read the warning, I did save the file in a "safe" place.
- I have desktop and laptop (Both windows 10), I just tried the above steps and again just now tried changing ports on both computers. Changing ports or computers did not fix.
- I was trying with HTERM with no luck. I will go look for SSCOM to see if I can do better.
I am working with an OPENIMU300ZA EVK.
I am able to connect using the Jtag
When I attempt to run the OPENIMU Windows 1.1.1 The program scans for hours and never stops.
The .JSON is never created.
I have tried this on 2 multiple Windows 10 computers at 2 different internet sources (Home and Work).
Any direction would be greatly appreciated. I am very excited to be working with this hardware!