I am using OpenIMU300ZA for getting the output through the serial port. I am using the same code to extract the data in different systems(64-bit) running on Ubuntu 16.04. I am able to get the data packet correctly(starting 2 bytes 55 55) in one system. But when i follow the same procedure in the other system i am getting the data packet but, in incorrect format(starting 2 bytes are not 55 55). Also when the IMU is running on the system 1 where I get correct output, I could see LED1(green colour) blinking continuously, but in system 2 where output is in incorrect format, i could see LED2 (yellow/light orange colour) also blinking along with LED1. So is this the issue with the system or should i change any configurations in the kit and check?
Posts made by sharat
Thanks @cek . Its working fine now.
@cek Ya using ANS i am able to record and save the output data. But currently I am trying to get the output in the terminal using the C code to get the hex values as shown above. I want to know how to decode that in order to get acceleration and other values in a decimal format. I am not using ANS anywhere here.
Hi, I am using OpenIMU300ZA evk board flashed with the IMU example code. I am trying to get the output from the terminal. Have written the C code to extract data in the hex format which gives result as below.
55 55 73 31 34 9a 99 17 00 9a 99 99 99 99 2a 98 40 e8 9d 6a 3c 60 96 17 3b 68 98 81 bf a7 f6 e0 3e b3 10 88 bd 9a 42 97 be 12 37 d1 3e f9 cf 3e be 8a 76 68 be 00 80 fa 41 54 8f
55 55 73 31 34 fe 99 17 00 00 00 00 00 00 2b 98 40 e0 7a 7a 3c 00 eb 0f ba d8 ac 81 bf 1c a8 df 3e d3 44 a3 bd 4c e7 99 be f1 3c d1 3e 18 b8 3e be ea b7 68 be 00 78 fa 41 7a 75
55 55 73 31 34 62 9a 17 00 67 66 66 66 66 2b 98 40 c8 9d 78 3c 80 b7 0f 3b c3 a5 81 bf a2 5c c9 3e 42 7f a9 bd ea 11 9f be 38 23 d1 3e 38 71 3e be 6e ac 68 be 00 78 fa 41 0f 0d
55 55 73 31 34 c6 9a 17 00 cd cc cc cc cc 2b 98 40 c8 46 6a 3c 40 00 d1 3a 76 7b 81 bf 7e 98 d1 3e f6 f3 47 bd 6b da 6d be 07 4e d1 3e bd fc 3e be d5 d0 68 be 00 78 fa 41 23 e0
55 55 73 31 34 2a 9b 17 00 33 33 33 33 33 2c 98 40 d0 67 64 3c 00 fc dd 3a 3b 8d 81 bf cf 67 ca 3e c4 3e 07 bc 4e c9 7b be 98 72 d1 3e 7e 00 3f be 76 41 68 be 00 78 fa 41 6e bb
55 55 73 31 34 8e 9b 17 00 9a 99 99 99 99 2c 98 40 90 85 7b 3c 80 a1 7c 3a 49 95 81 bf a8 31 ea 3e 4b ac e7 3b a1 8c 51 be 88 4d d1 3e 05 fd 3e be 9d 70 68 be 00 78 fa 41 d5 3a
55 55 73 31 34 f2 9b 17 00 00 00 00 00 00 2d 98 40 28 01 7e 3c 40 22 c0 3a cd ac 81 bf 33 03 ce 3e 76 f0 3e 3d c4 f0 7a be 10 7b d1 3e 0c 78 3e be 4c 84 68 be 00 78 fa 41 3a ef
Please confirm if the format of the data is correct. If yes how can I decode this to get the acceleration, magnitude and angular rate values out of this data (which byte represents what and how it need to considered for LSB and MSBs).
Its working fine in ANS. But we want to get the output in the terminal same as what it is getting saved in .csv file. Is there any way to do that?
The image sent by @cek is working now. I am able to get the output in the ANS. But when I try to run in the terminal, I am getting some junk data or the data in non-readable format as below,
<˜.¼.¿¤~Æ>›Œœ<&Z¾Ž..?eå>YˆF¾. ñAÙjUUs14†q!.....€.¡@.§ƒ<H..¼Ñµ¿Óò«>
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So do i need to do any changes or configurations in order to get the data in terminal in the readable format?
Thanks @Andrey-Bondarev . Have write protected the sectors 0 and 2. now when I run the server, i am getting below error
scanning ports
Testing port /dev/ttyS4
Testing port /dev/ttyS0
Testing port /dev/ttyUSB3
Testing port /dev/ttyUSB2
Testing port /dev/ttyUSB1
Testing port /dev/ttyUSB0
'utf8' codec can't decode byte 0xbb in position 2: invalid start byte
Will be sending mail to support team to create an image attaching the current image file.
hi @cek . am able to upload the firmware to IMU using visual studio . but , when i start server am getting :
scanning ports
testing port com9
testing port com10
testing port com11
testing port com12
'utf-8' codec cant decode byte 0xbb in position 2: invalid start byte
Thanks @cek . Have received the mail, but is blocked due to organisation policy. Can you please forward to my personal id? sharatmk@gmail.com
Yes please. Send a testing EEPROM image. sk00485192@techmahindra.com
Sorry haven't noticed that
- Currently have flashed the basic IMU example given in the aceinna extension in visual code.
- During first time, followed below steps,
- Connected IMU to ST-link and opened STM32 ST-LINK Utility application
- Loaded the image file downloaded from Aceinna Apps
- Clicked on Target in STM ST-LINK 32 and then clicked on program & verify and started flashing.
- Haven't taken the Backup manually
Unfortunately I haven't saved that file. Can you please provide that image file if possible?
I am using OpenIMU300ZA EVK kit. Have flashed some example code given in the aceinna extension in Visual studio. But now I want to reset the kit so that i will get to use the basic code which was present in the kit when I bought it. Please suggest on how I can reset the kit to factory data.
No luck. Still unable to connect. Just to inform, at starting when the kit was powered up, i was able to see 2 LEDs glowing, LED2 and LED3. But after that i downloaded the example code from "https://developers.aceinna.com/code/apps" named "OpenIMU300 IMU Application" and flashed that code into the kit using ST link debugger. After that i could see only LED3 glowing(the red one), so is there anything problem with the code or kit?
Yes have tried that, but still getting the same.
I am currently using openimu300za EVK in Ubuntu and installed all the pre-requisites as mentioned in the device connection procedure. I am connecting to server using the server.py file which i downloaded from github. Could see the terminal giving some messages continuously after running the python file. But unable to connect to developer's console, as the device is not getting detected in console. Getting messages as shown below in the terminal.
scanning ports
Testing port /dev/ttyS4
Testing port /dev/ttyS0
Testing port /dev/ttyUSB3
Testing port /dev/ttyUSB2
Testing port /dev/ttyUSB1
Testing port /dev/ttyUSB0
scanning ports
Testing port /dev/ttyS4
Testing port /dev/ttyS0
Testing port /dev/ttyUSB3
Testing port /dev/ttyUSB2
Testing port /dev/ttyUSB1
Testing port /dev/ttyUSB0
scanning ports
Testing port /dev/ttyS4
Testing port /dev/ttyS0
Testing port /dev/ttyUSB3
Testing port /dev/ttyUSB2
Testing port /dev/ttyUSB1
Testing port /dev/ttyUSB0
scanning ports
Testing port /dev/ttyS4
Please suggest if something is wrong or should i need to do change anything?
Thanks. I am using Windows. I could find the files in the server folder under data, but will it not be available in My files in console?
I had connected the OPENIMU300ZA EVK and recorded the data to the .csv file and was able to see the popup saying file is being saved, but when checked in myfiles, couldn't see any files. Is there anything i need to do to get the files.