OpenIMU300RI EEProm file

Hi Amin,
The Chinese Team is not back to work yet due to the pneumonia. And if the calibraiton partion of your unit is not broken, you do not need the factory bin. Please make sure of that. The calibration partition can be broken if you manually update the firmware using ST-Link from a wrong start address. You can upload an IMU application to see if the IMU data is right.

@Amin you mentioned: " I can program the module with my built images from the source code and downloaded images from the website" and " I have programmed the 1908811027_ 1.0.2_a2.bin into my module", what is starting address when you upload it several times? i need to judge whether factory calibration data is broken or not.

Your module is 300ZA, pls do not use 1908811027_ 1.0.2_a2.bin which is belong to 300RI unit.
Refer to backup steps in topic_4, pls backup your current whole bin whatever it is working ok or not.
In future 2 weeks, maybe i can only working in home due to the pneumonia control, and cannot make the right bin for you which have the right calibration data.
Currently, only share with you other SN whole bin(1908400166_1.1.0.bin) by email, pls upload based on steps topic_4

@cek said in OpenIMU300RI EEProm file:



thanks for your replies, unfortunately I was forgot to backup whole bin file from my module, and I programmed it using st-link from starting address 0x08000000 , I think all factory calibration data has gone. so if I am right and you know that my calibration data is really erased based on my mistake and starting address I was programmed, please send me a correct bin file, the 1908400166_1.1.0.bin file is good enough for now, I was programmed that bin file related to RI series to recover data stored at starting address, and then I programmed my module from the IDE to store VG_AHRS application in correct address on my module. now its working but I am not sure with calibration data of another module how much accuracy it can have.
another question for all people like me for future mistakes: is there any way to calibrate modules by users? I know that the factory calibration is very accurate, if its possible please post your calibration method.
my email address is : please send me 1908400166_1.1.0.bin file.

Best regards,

already send it to you by email, when my previous reply. Pls receive and check your email box


Thank you very much, I appreciate your help.

Best regards,

@akofler I am still in home office, and cannot to do deep investigation with some HWs, so cannot reply to you which is the right actions in your side, if good luck, next week can reply to you, thanks for your waiting.
how many parts in your side totally? and how many of them cannot work?

Dear cek,
thanks, we can wait for the bin.
Currently we are evaluating just one device, we need it to get accurate heading and roll/pitch angles.


@akofler I had finished the 300RI...109 bin file preparation and shared with you, pls follow the topic_4 steps, note that just starting from unlock step and then upload/lock steps followed.


thanks cek !

Dear Cek,

could you please send me the factory calibration bin file for openIMU300ZA with 1908400114 serial number?

Best regards,

Dear all,
I am actually facing similar issues where my calibration data got corrupted when figuring out about the factory configuration settings in "NAV-VIEW"
Is it possible to receive the calibration file for my IMU as well ?
OpenIMU300RI, SN: 2203100573

Is it possible to load these via the NAV-VIEW software?

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