@Amin you mentioned: " I can program the module with my built images from the source code and downloaded images from the website" and " I have programmed the 1908811027_ 1.0.2_a2.bin into my module", what is starting address when you upload it several times? i need to judge whether factory calibration data is broken or not.
Your module is 300ZA, pls do not use 1908811027_ 1.0.2_a2.bin which is belong to 300RI unit.
Refer to backup steps in topic_4, pls backup your current whole bin whatever it is working ok or not.
In future 2 weeks, maybe i can only working in home due to the pneumonia control, and cannot make the right bin for you which have the right calibration data.
Currently, only share with you other SN whole bin(1908400166_1.1.0.bin) by email, pls upload based on steps topic_4